Elected Officials
Kittanning Borough 3rd Ward ConstableĀ
John Thomas
Constable Thomas ran on a simple promise of doing nothing to take away the liberties of his constituents in Kittanning's 3rd Ward. John has delivered on that promise, taking the initiative to only perform the basic duties of the office, instead of using the office to trample on the rights of his neighbors.
While unopposed on the ballot, John took the opportunity to introduce members of his community to the philosophy of libertarianism and the Libertarian Party.
John uses his position as an elected law enforcement agent to advocate for criminal justice reform and call out law enforcement agents who abuse their power on his Facebook page.
Former Elected Officials
North Apollo Borough Councilman
Benjamin Seevers (2022-2023)
Ben ran as a "Fresh Voice of Reason" for North Apollo Borough, finishing as the top vote-getter in a "vote for three" race ahead of two Republicans. As a Councilman, Ben delivered on his promise to hold the council accountable, live-streaming monthly meetings on his Facebook Page. He consistently voted against government encroachment, introduced several nullification and privatization ordinances, and was often the lone voice of reason on the council warning against poison pill grants designed to shift power to the county, state, and federal levels.