County Party History
Organizational History
The Armstrong County Libertarian Party had its roots in 2011, with its first informational meeting occurring at Theresa’s Royale Allegheny restaurant on January 15, 2011. [Kittanning Leader Times, “News To Use,” Jan. 13, 2011.]
Following that first meeting, the party created its Facebook page.
From 2012-2019, the county party was minimally active.
The government lockdowns of 2020 sparked renewed interest in Libertarianism. In July 2020, Armstrong Libertarians set up a table for the Apollo Food Truck festivals. The setup consisted of little more than a tent, a table, and a couple of signs (one of which read, “Ask Us Anything.”)
On Aug. 2, 2020, the Kittanning Leader Times ran an article mentioning the county party’s attempt to become affiliated with the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, as well as a planned “Let Her Speak” rally in Pittsburgh, to encourage debate organizers to include Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate for president, in the presidential debate.
Later that year, in a meeting held via Zoom due to government lockdown restrictions, the party earned its official affiliation with the LPPA.
Election History
The county party attempted to run Randall Forester for County Commissioner. Randall, a local pastor, was instrumental in organizing the first Libertarian meetings. The party failed to collect enough signatures for Forester to appear on the ballot. A write-in campaign failed to garner enough votes to win the election.
Special Election for PA House 60 - The party nominated Drew Hreha to replace Jeff Pyle as the Representative for the 60th District in the PA House. Drew was one of the main players in reforming the Armstrong County Libertarian Party and helping it achieve its state affiliation. Drew had an impressive showing, finishing in third place.
North Apollo Borough Council - Libertarian Benjamin Seevers, who was also active in reforming the county party, finished in first place, winning one of three seats. Drew Hreha ran a write-in campaign, and missed winning a second seat for the Libertarians by two votes!
Third Ward Kittanning Constable - John Thomas, who had been active with the county party in both its 2011 and 2020 iterations, won in an uncontested race.
Armstrong School Board Region 2 - The county party ran two candidates to fill the two seats that were up for election. While neither candidate won, Melissa Wadding earned over 30% of the vote, and John Thomas got nearly 30% of the vote against established incumbents.
United States Senate - County party member John Thomas was the LPPA statewide candidate for the United States Senate. He finished in third place, tripling the margin of victory between the Republican and Democrat candidates.
Awards, Recognitions & Honors
2023 LPPA Rising Future Leader Award
Benjamin Seevers
2023 Randall Forester Candidate of the Year
Melissa Wadding
2024 Randall Forester Candidate of the Year
John Thomas