The Apollo area is being plagued by the prospects of police mergers; however, we should not yield control of our police services. Instead, we must privatize the police by eliminating police departments and creating an environment in which private security can thrive.
We may "rely" on the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) after eliminating police departments, but there are many reasons to believe it would not be a complete reliance. Digitial security systems are on many houses of many different socio-economic standing, and Armstrong County is one of the most armed counties in the U.S. These two facts alone will drastically limit the extent of crime, making the continued employment of police questionable.
Ultimately, the government is not necessary for security, and policing is not the equivalent of security. Security can be provided without government, as it often is, and policing for the most part enforces arbitrary government rules rather than actually protecting people.
For more, read my recent article on the Mises Wire.